nedjelja, 13. veljače 2022.

Numerologija(izracunaj svoj broj)

Da bi dosli do toga koji je vas broj trebate sabrati vasu godinu, datum i mjesec rođenja. Npr:11.10.2005
1+1+1+0+2+0+0+5=10,=1+0=1,broj ove osobe je broj 1
Sad mozete pogledati znacenje. 
1.Ovo je jaka osoba, ponekad cak i egoista. Ima visoku inteligenciju. Ceka je velika sreca u zivotu.
2.Ovo je broj srece i zadovoljstva, radi se o jako darežljivoj i strastvenoj osobi.
3.Uzviseni broj. Mistične i produhovljene osobe. Ponekad znaju unaprijed sta ce se desiti. Za njih Kazu da imaju trece culo.
4.Izvrsna djeca, prijatelji i partneri. Na njih se uvijek mozete osloniti.
5.Drustvene osobe, pravi svjetski putnici, nemaju mira, za njih je zivot u velikom gradu.
6.Rodjeni za profesore. Odgovorni roditelji, obožavaju djecu.
7.Umjetnicke duse. Medju njima se kriju najveci umjetnici.
8.Karmicki broj, zive neki drugi zivot, osobenjaci, obavijeni velom tajne.
9.Avanturisti, trebaju puno prostora, posebni i uvijek zeljni promjene. Na njih uvijek mozete racunati ako je u pitanju kakav ustanak ili protesti. <a href="">Outdoor Bonsai Trees</a>

Paranormal stories

  Is there a messenger of death, I wonder today. What happened to me is probably some proof that there is a messenger of death and that someone is always coming.

War Years "93 My friend Alena and I sat in the staircase of our building. It was our dodging

During the day, he would pass somewhere if there would be no siren for the alarm, he was police in 20h, so we then sat in the staircase of our building. The winter period, cold, Mom is silent to enter the apartment and sit the end of the sporter and not to hate in the staircase. But our topics were guys and some our secrets, we didn't want to go to the house

There was no electricity, but we weren't afraid of anything, we sat in the dark.

Suddenly, all the few talks about myself about myself, as if someone touched my hair and began to breathe my neck, I was stroked and got up. Then and Alena get up "Do you hear this?" He asked me, someone hrips. I couldn't talk from fear. Breathing was all stronger and stronger, someone stood between us two. We both started screaming and mom ran out. "He entered your house!, It was awarded allen

Then, Dad also came out and began to be shocked at us, what we invent, there is nowhere. Allina's mom came, they lived below us on the third floor. The neighbors came out, everyone gathered around us. I didn't see anyone, except that I heard that cumpto, Alena claimed that when Mom opened the door and illuminated the battery, that he entered our house a fat, bald man. Of course, we both got both of the Samarcin and ban the "outlets" until further. That night I didn't sleep at all, I was so afraid, I had a feeling that someone was walking around the room.

Five days after that event, my father died. He was only 39 years old. He fell asleep and no longer woke up.

Whether that cela's man, whom she saw came for my father, who it was. We were children, we were 14 years old, we didn't invent anything. Let's hang out, sometimes we talk about it sometimes. Jeza also catches me today. It never happened to me later, she wouldn't like it.

Some other people were event


Za anunnakije se vjeruje da su bili grupa bozanstava u drevnoj Mezopotamiji. U prevodu anunnaki znaci "oni koji su sisli s nebesa"
Dolazili su na zemlju i ucili ljude kako treba da zive i ponašaju se. Medjutim, znanstvenici vjeruju da su anunnakiji ustvari vanzemaljci koji su posjećivali zemlju. Po nekim zapisima koji su ostali poslije drevnih naroda protumačeno je da su u pitanju vanzemaljci. Prilog o tome možete pogledati na, zaista interesantno. 

Okultizam i njegove opasnosti

Nešto o delfinima

Delfini imaju neokorteks (kora velikog mozga) razvijeniji od ljudskog.  Imaju samosvest, komplikovane misaone tokove i međusobno daju unikat...