utorak, 5. travnja 2022.


 Is the jellyfish Turritopsis Nutricula the only organism in the world who is immortal? 
 Medusa Turritopsis Patricula is a small hoof that once reaches adult can return their cells to childhood. This adaptable feature is likely to develop so that the individuals extends life ... 
 The type of jellyfish originates from the Caribbean waters, could be the only animal and the only organism in the world that truly revealed the source of eternal youth, claim scientists in this area ...

City of the gods

 The mysterious ancient city, which once with 200,000 inhabitants represented the real ancient metropolis, does not trim to fascinate archaeologists and historians who still cannot discover which ancient civilization was founded. Welcome to theootiakan - a place where the gods were born!

Okultizam i njegove opasnosti

Nešto o delfinima

Delfini imaju neokorteks (kora velikog mozga) razvijeniji od ljudskog.  Imaju samosvest, komplikovane misaone tokove i međusobno daju unikat...