ponedjeljak, 7. veljače 2022.

Astral trip

 The ability to separate astral from the physical body during trance, is associated with the phenomenon of "excretitive experience" 

 Signs, the dus is separated from the body and moves on a journey. The spond between a physical and astral body is known as "silverly taken" 

 Many sorts this trip with lucid dreams, but there is a significant difference. Lucid dreams always happen between 3 and 5 hours in the morning and we enter into it unconsciously. 

 The astral projection is not spontaneous but intentional. This is to achieve constant meditations, cleaning the body and mind, the power of will. The reason why people suspect an astral journey, because it would be proof of existence beyond the physical body, which is for many unimaginable. 


Astralna projekcija(da li je moguća)

Sposobnost odvajanja astralnog od fizickog tijela za vrijeme transa,povezano je sa fenomenom "izvantjelesno iskustvo"
Znaci, dusa se odvaja od tijela i krece na putovanje. Spona između fizickog i astralnog tijela poznata je kao "srebrno uze"
Mnogi porede ovo putovanje sa lucidnim snovima, ali postoji bitna razlika. Lucidni snovi se uvijek događaju između 3 i 5 sati ujutro i u njega ulazimo nesvjesno.
A astralna projekcija nije spontana, nego namjerna. To se postize stalnim meditacijama, ciscenjem tijela i uma, snagom volje. Razlog zbog koga ljudi sumnjaju u astralno putovanje, je zbog toga sto bi ono bilo dokaz postojanja neceg van fizickog tijela,a to je mnogima nepojmljivo. 

Third eyes

 The third eye or Sesto Culo, is located in the middle of the street above the root of the nose. This Cakra is responsible for your intuition, she sees invisible, touches in the dus and looks into the world of spirituality. It is believed that all people have a third eye (inner eye, and sometimes I believe we have come to the ground from some other planet) 

 How to start using the third eye: 

 Separate for yourself every day to two hours. Turn off the lights if you want to burn a fragrant candle or incense. Slowly open antically count to 144, then the same process with closed fathers. Then you can see how the image (character, shape) approaches your closed fathers, and the colors begin to blend. If you still do not see the procedure again (you must be concentrated) 

 The best time for meditation is about 6,12,18,24 hours. 

 Avoid secer and milk 

 Drink enough water 

 Be in nature at least half an hour a day. 



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