nedjelja, 20. ožujka 2022.

Haunted wedding

 Haunted wedding
Many who have passed a slightly more hard-wedding wedding before they finally got married, can be comforted that he can always be worse, and Tom serves the story of the haunted wedding of the sixth princess della cistern Mary Vittoria Dal Pozzo at the end of 19 . century.
Victor Emmanuel II, known as the first king of the United Italy, had a son of Ameda's Savojski, whose marriage was opposed to Miss, but the young love won and the wedding was agreed.
Wedding was haunted from the very beginning. The young discovered that her maid should have prepared to prepare her dress. A little superstitious bride decided to then marry in another dress.
The colonel who led the procession from the palace to the church fell from the horse because he suffered from the sunshine and died. After replacing him and him, the wedding could not come out of the yard of the palace because the goalkeeper was also found dead.
Immediately after the wedding, the godfather shot him in the head, and a bright stroke that was compiled by the wedding papers. The guests were already on their way to the train station, but it didn't even work because the boss became under the carriage, as well as the countacastiglione to whom the Orden scored into his heart after his chest moved.
Although the Count was the last victim of a haunted wedding, it is difficult to say that the newlyweds were happily lived forever given that the 'haunted bride' died in childbirth ten years later. Why did this wedding brought with him so much unhappiness, it is not known, but something certainly wasn't how it should.

Ghost of the nans

 💀Script ghost of the nuns

Near Austrian - German borders a large number of drivers had the opportunity to meet with mysterious ghosting of the nun, which drivers, to transport her to the nearest town.

Once the drivers agreed and let her go to the car, the habitually would start getting faster and louder to talk to himself in Latin.

Then without any warning, the honorable sister would disappear in the dark of the back seat without any trace. According to local media, this phantom-honorable nurse is the main tram's accident that happened a few years ago, when the driver landed from the road in a break, realizing that he was an honorable sister in the car, suddenly and inexplicably disappeared from the back seat .

After this tragic event, the Holy Sister Hammered for a few months to reappear in 2015, when the road started again, but this time she did not wait for someone to fit her already just appeared in the front passenger seat during driving. In such cases, the fear and avoidance of the driver should not be emphasized in particular, so traffic accidents caused by phantom phenomena in the Austrian-Germany border became frequent occurrence.

In a desperate attempt to prevent mass hysteria among drivers, the Austrian police began to punish anyone who spread stories about the spirit of the nun.

Duh casne sestre


U blizini austrijsko – njemačke granice veliki broj vozača je imalo priliku da se susretne sa misterioznom utvarom časne sestre koja vozače moli da je prevezu do najbližeg grada.

Nakon što bi vozači pristali i pustili je u auto, utvara bi počela sve brže i glasnije pričati sama sa sobom na latinskom jeziku.

Zatim bez ikakvog upozorenja, časna sestra bi nestala u mraku zadnjeg sedišta bez ikakvog traga. Prema pisanju lokalnih medija, ova fantomska časna sestra je glavni krivac za fatalnu saobraćajnu nesreću koja se dogodila pre nekoliko godina, kada je vozač sleteo sa ceste u provaliju, shvativši da je časna sestra koju je pustio u auto, iznenada i neobjašnjivo nestala sa zadnjeg sedišta.

Nakon ovog tragičnog događaja, duh časne sestre se primirio na nekoliko meseci da bi se ponovo pojavio 2015. godine, kada se ponovo počela pojavljivati kraj puta, ali ovaj put nije čekala da joj neko stane  i pokupu već bi se jednostavno pojavila na suvozačevom sedištu tokom vožnje. U ovakvim slučajevima, strah i izbezumljenost vozača ne treba posebno naglašavati, pa su saobraćajne nesreće izazvane fantomskim pojavama na austrijsko-nemačkoj granici postale učestala pojava.

U očajničkom pokušaju da spreče masovnu histeriju među vozačima, austrijska policija je počela kažnjavati svakog ko je širio priče o duhu časne sestre.

Italijan bride

 Italian bride 

 Julia Buccola-Petta, young woman died in 1921. While she gave birth to her first child who also died. 
 He was buried in the wedding dresses with his child in his arms. 
 The next 6 years her mother dreamed Julia trying to get out of the grave, she begged the permission to dig up his daughter. 
 Finally, authorities have yielded and the grave is open ... 
 After so many years, Julia's body did not show any disintegration signs, which was even more stranger of her child in his arms, there were no traces of previous grave opening not detected. This case is one of the most unusual ever recorded

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